A new edition of the Advanced Delineation Course will begin in October 2024. It is…

The Academy’s new website!
It is with great pleasure that we present the new website for the Academy of Traditional Astrology and with it new content. This refresh marks the 20 year anniversary of the Academy!
After a long due remodelling the new layout brings a slightly different design but maintaining the familiar feel of the old website. To avoid discrepancies with the Portuguese version the new website can be reached on the two following new web addresses: www.academyoftraditionalastrology.org or alternatively www.academyofastrology.eu.
The Portuguese site can be accessed through www.academiadeastrologia.com and will have a link for the international (English) version on the main menu. With the new online version of the academy come also the new series of online courses and classes that will become available during 2020.