This course offers the foundational principles of astrology and traditional interpretation.
It is structured in 14 lessons that can be attended live or by video recording. The teachings are based on the books, On the Heavenly Spheres and The Traditional Astrology Course, with some additional materials.
At the end of each lesson/topic the student submits a short essay that is marked and commented by the course tutors. At the end of the course there is final essay that the student must complete to be granted the course diploma.
The course requires the books On the Heavenly Spheresand The Traditional Astrology Course, which have the additional readings and exercises. Click here for more information on the books.
Course contents
Astrology, its function and history.
Basic concepts
Qualities, Elements and Universal Principles.
The Astrological Chart
The components of a chart; history and representation.
The Planets
Symbols, qualities and attributes.
The Zodiacal Signs
Definitions, qualities and attributes.
The Houses
Definition and attributes
Dignities and debilities
Essential dignities: definition and practical application.
Dignities and debilities
Accidental dignities: definition and practical application.
Delineation I
Method of chart interpretation: significators, rulers and their specific roles.
Definition, attributes and use in delineation.
Additional elements
Lunar Nodes, Fixed Stars, and Parts or Lots.
Delineation II
The first house and the psychology of the individual.
The Almutem of the Figure
Calculation and interpretation.
Assessment and interpretation
Behaviour and Mentality
Social conduct, thought and perception patterns, mindset.