The Academy
The Academy of Astrological Studies is dedicated to the in-depth and rigorous study of Astrology, thus contributing to the development of astrological knowledge, both in the theoretical and in the practical fields.
The Academy’s main goal is to contribute to the responsible, structured, and well-grounded practice of Astrology, in the areas of teaching, research, and consultation. Its main activities are teaching and research, through the publication of articles and research papers, lectures, seminars, workshops and conferences.
The Academy derives from the natural development of the Escola de Astrologia Integrada (School of Integrated Astrology), founded in 1999 by Helena Avelar and Luis Ribeiro.
From 2004 on of the School expanded its goals, turning into a centre of research of the astrological tradition, and it was renamed Academy of Astrological Studies. While maintaining its goals, standards and purposes, it expanded to accommodate the academic dimension.
Helena Avelar and Luís Ribeiro academic researchers in the area of the History of Science, with focus on astrology. They published several books, among them On the Heavenly Spheres (edited by AFA) and Tradicional Astrology Course (edited by Prisma). They teach a course on traditional astrology, that includes astrological culture, astrological interpretation, basic astronomy and calculation, and counselling skills.
Helena Avelar
Helena holds a degree on History and a MA on Medieval History by Nova-FCSH, Universidade de Lisboa, and a PhD on History by The Warburg Institute, University of London. Together with her academic activities, she also develops research projects in several aspects of astrology.
Luís Ribeiro
Luís holds a degree on Art History and a MA on History and is presently working on his PhD on the History of Astrology. His academic background includes chemistry, geology (incorporating teacher training) and palaeography. He began his astrological studies in 1991 and his professional practice in 1995. Currently his work includes consultations, teaching and research.